Friday, 1 October 2010

New technology cells

New technology that captures "exciton" particles could replace today's solar cells
Endra-3. Even the most efficient solar cell loses a lot of energy in the form of wasted heat. But the electron-like particles that photons emit as they enter the cells could be turned into electrical energy, solving the heat loss problem.
When photons, the particles of light, enter solar cells, they can create a quasiparticle known as an exciton. The exciton is a combination of an electron and an electron hole. What's an electron hole? It's basically the complete opposite of an electron, but it's not an anti-electron. It's not matter, it's not antimatter, it's not really anything at all - it's just a place where an electron should be but isn't.
That may not sound all that important, but it's possible for an electron and a hole to attract each other and combine into an exciton. When that happens in solar cells, it's responsible for the heat energy that current goes wasted. The trick to reducing the heat loss is to capture as many electrons as possible before they dissipate, because those electrons can then be diverted onto a current and used for electrical energy.
Now researchers at the University of Wyoming and Colorado State have managed to do just that. They coupled together light-absorbing lead sulfide particles with electrodes made from titanium dioxide. They found that the current produced in this system contained excitons, and they were able to collect several excitons from a single photon before the particles started to break down again into their constituent parts.
This offers a chance for solar cells to trap excitons in a similar way. As long as the cells are coupled with the appropriate electrodes, they too can capture these quasiparticles before they degrade, which means they would save most of the heat and hang onto it as useful energy. It would greatly improve the efficiency of solar cells, all without even having to do anything to the basic photon capture technology. (

Mobil Sport Listrik Jaguar C-X75

Jaguar C-X75 dapat berakselerasi 0 - 100 km/jam dalam 3,4 detik
Memperingati 75 tahun kejayaan desain Jaguar, pabrikan Inggris ini memperkenalkan konsep mobil sport listrik berpenggerak empat roda, C-X75 di ajang Paris Motor Show. Empat motor listrik bertenaga 195 PS di masing-masing roda menghasilkan tenaga puncak 780 PS yang dapat membawanya berlari hingga 330 km/jam. Torsi puncak mencapai 1.600 Nm memberi kemampuan berakselerasi 0 - 100 km/jam dalam 3,4 detik dan 80 - 145 km/jam hanya butuh 2,3 detik.

Dengan baterai lithium-ion 19,6 kWh yang terisi penuh, C-X75 dapat menempuh jarak 110 km dengan tenaga listriknya saja. Selain itu, ada dua mesin turbin-gas mikro bertenaga total 188 PS yang dapat berputar hingga 80.000 rpm, berfungsi sebagai generator penghasil listrik untuk mengisi ulang baterai. Hasilnya, jarak tempuh dapat bertambah hingga 900 km lagi.

Performanya didukung konstruksi bodi aluminium. Bobot yang hanya 1.350 kg memberi rasio tenaga terhadap bobot hingga 578 PS/ton sehingga menghasilkan performa istimewa. Selain itu, aluminium merupakan salah satu material logam paling mudah didaur ulang, sehingga C-X75 menjadi sangat ramah lingkungan.

Soal efisiensi didapat dari desain tubuh yang aerodinamis. Gril depan dan lubang ventilasi pendingin rem hanya dapat terbuka saat dibutuhkan. Diffuser berbahan serat karbon yang mengatur aliran udara di kolong mobil memiliki sayap aktif yang dapat turun secara otomatis seiring meningkatnya kecepatan sehingga menghasilkan gaya tekan lebih baik. Alhasil, pengendalian mobil menjadi lebih hebat.

Hal unik di dalam kabin, posisi kursi layaknya mobil balap single-seater. Yang justru bisa diatur adalah posisi sistem kemudi berikut panel instrumen dan pedal-pedal agar sesuai dengan posisi duduk pengemudi. Panel instrumennya menggunakan layar TFT beresolusi tinggi untuk menunjukkan kondisi dan putaran mesin dari kedua turbin.

"Kehebatan yang dihasilkan melalui inovasi selalu menjadi ciri khas Jaguar. Sudah sejak awal, mobil seperti Type-C dan Type-D menjadi pelopor penggunaan konstruksi aluminium, desain yang aerodinamis, sasis monokok dan penggunaan rem cakram. C-X75 menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan ini masih menjadi pemimpin dalam hal desain dan teknologi otomotif," ujar CEO Jaguar Land Rover Dr. Ralf Speth.(Sumber :